Why Wild Animals Should Not Be Kept as Pets

Why Wild Animals Should Not Be Kept as Pets

Why wild animals should not be kept as pets? Valid question, And today you will get the answer. Keeping wild animals as pets has been a controversial issue for years. While someone may be fascinated by the idea of owning a majestic lion or a playful chimpanzee, the reality is that wild animals are not suitable pets. Such animals were not meant to be tamed and confined to a domestic setting.

Hello, Danial here. I’m a co-founder of Pet Doubts. Today, we discuss why wild animals should not be kept as pets.

We all love animals, Right? It can be tempting to want to pet a wild animal if you come across one. However, it is important to remember that wild animals are just that wild. They are not domesticated and can be unpredictable and dangerous. Here are some reasons why wild animals should not be kept as pets.

Safety of Wild Animals

Wild animals are unpredictable and can be dangerous to humans. Even domesticated animals like dogs and cats can attack humans under certain circumstances. Wild animals, on the other hand, have a natural instinct to defend themselves from perceived threats.

They may attack their owners or anyone who comes near them, causing serious injuries or even death. In New York, a woman spent $1800 on a 9-week-old dark panther, initially charmed by its adorable appearance and friendly demeanor.

However, her perception quickly changed when the animal attacked her. Tragically, a woman from Pennsylvania passed away after being attacked by her “pet” – a 350-pound mountain bear she had raised since she was a cub.

A family that kept a red fox puppy in captivity later surrendered it to an animal shelter. Sadly, due to the improper care, it received while in captivity, the fox became blind.

These cases are not isolated incidents of individuals attempting to keep wild animals as pets, and unfortunately, the outcomes can be quite horrific.

Above I mention a few examples of why wild animals should not be kept as pets; the internet is full of those things if you search.

Health Risks

Wild animals can carry and transmit diseases to humans with fur, saliva, or feces. These diseases can range from mild illnesses like the flu to serious conditions like zoonotic diseases like rabies, salmonella, and monkeypox.

These diseases can be life-threatening, and some can be transmitted through simple contact, making them a significant health risk to humans. Besides the damage that could happen to wild creatures kept in homes, keeping untamed life as pets presents an incredible risk to people.

Conceived Free USA, a philanthropic backing association that endeavors to end the responsibility for animals, has archived more than 1500 assaults, including 75 human passing, including natural life pets, beginning around 1990.


Petting a wild animal can cause stress for the animal, too, as it may not understand what is happening and may feel threatened by your presence. This stress can lead to changes in their behavior, which could put them at risk of being attacked by predators or other animals in the area.

It is best to leave them alone, so they can remain safe and healthy in their natural environment. In many states, it is illegal to own wild animals as pets. These regulations are in place because wild animals have unique needs that are difficult to meet in captivity, which can result in their poor health or even death.

Adequate nutrition is crucial for their normal development, and any deficiencies may prove fatal for the animal. Humans have bred domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, cattle, and sheep for centuries, refining their behavior for generations.

However, even with this domestication process, these animals still retain the capacity to harm or even kill. Domesticated dogs in the United States still bite 4.5 million people yearly.

Given these dangers, we must address why somebody deliberately takes an animal from the wild and keeps it hostage. Obliviousness about the hazards related to wild pets, interest in untamed life, love of creatures, self-image, curiosity, or maybe even benefit, give a few reasons.

The most incessant explanation is when individuals salvage vagrants and choose to raise them. Notwithstanding, a hostage wild animal is a detainee gotten between its senses and its reliance on people to make due.

As a hostage, animals develop the autonomy of their overseers. It might become forceful, disappointing, or nibble, prompting injury or demise.

It has not had millennia to beat wild senses as trained animals have. The animal might get away, it could be given up in the wild, or it very well might be brought to an untamed life rehabilitated. At this point, it could be past the time to show its basic instincts or suitable social conduct for its species.

A few wild creatures are not safeguarded under many state regulations. You don’t need a legitimate hunting or catching permit to collect them. Wild animals, similar to raccoons and coyotes, require a license to house them in imprisonment.

The importation, circulation, movement, holding in bondage, or ownership of live coyotes and raccoons are precluded. A wild animal that has been raised by humans is not adequately prepared for life in the wild.

Releasing a captive wild animal is likely to condemn it to starvation, unnatural predation, accidents, or a negative encounter with humans it may perceive as friendly. If you want a pet, consider the many cats and dogs that are euthanized in shelters each year, most are healthy and treatable and could have been adopted into new homes.

Final Words on Why Wild Animals Should Not Be Kept As Pets

Wild animals are beautiful and should be admired from a distance rather than touched or kept as pets. By respecting their space, we can help ensure their safety and well-being while protecting ourselves from potential health risks associated with contact with these animals.


No. Domestication is a long-term process that takes generations to occur. It involves the selective breeding of animals for specific traits, including temperament, behaviour, and physical characteristics. Wild animals, on the other hand, are not genetically predisposed to living with humans and cannot be domesticated in one or two generations.

In many states, owning a wild animal is illegal without a proper permit. The permit requirements vary but often require proof of specialized training, experience, and facilities that meet specific standards. Additionally, owners may be held responsible for any damage or injuries caused by their pets.

Yes. Wild animals that have been injured or orphaned can be rehabilitated and released back into the wild. However, the process requires specialized training and facilities, and not all animals are suitable for release. Additionally, rehabilitated animals may have a reduced chance of survival in the wild due to losing survival skills during captivity.

No. Keeping wild animals as pets has no benefits for the animal, the owner, or society as a whole. It is a selfish and unethical practice that risks the animal’s welfare and creates a public health hazard.

Now you know why wild animals should not be kept as pets. And if this blog helps you to switch your mind from any wild animal to any lovely pet, check out our post about Buying a Fish Aquarium.

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