Rabbits Care in Summer

Spring has sprung, and considering that many of us are enjoying the gloriously warm weather of the season, our pets are not compensating to the same degree. Especially if you have rabbits, do you know that rabbits regulate their body temperature through their ears? They do not tolerate extreme heat and can die from overheating.
Hey! My name is Sarah, and today we discuss rabbits care in summer; we see the key points of how we make summer pleasant for our bunnies. So take your bunny on your lap and dive in.
Before we start, I know many of my readers are new to our pet care journey and willing to adopt a bunny, so starting with a little intro to rabbits would be good on not for you. 🙂 Rabbits are cute and cuddly, making them an awesome choice for people of all ages who love animals.
Their soft fur, floppy ears, and playful personalities are just a few reasons they’re so popular as pets. But let’s be real – caring for a rabbit is more than snuggles and playtime. You have to commit to keeping them healthy and happy.
That means ensuring they have a safe and comfy home and getting them the right food and vet care. Being a responsible rabbit owner does take some effort and dedication, but trust me; the payoff is totally worth it. A happy and loving bunny buddy can brighten up even the gloomiest days!
Easy Rabbits Care in Summer
Bunnies are defenseless against heat stroke and depend on their owners to provide them with a cooler environment throughout the spring months. Wild bunnies go underground or stow away under bushes and brambles to keep cool, but for a pet bunny, it will be tough. They can get overheated and dehydrated pretty easily.
Temperatures above 77°F (25°C) are dangerous for rabbits. But don’t sweat it; with a little bit of TLC, you can keep your furry pal healthy and happy during the hottest months.
Heat Stroke Symptoms in Rabbits
Heatstroke is a serious concern for rabbits and other small animals. It can even be deadly if not caught early enough. That’s why it’s super important to keep an eye out for the early warning signs.
If you’re worried that your bunny might have heat stroke, acting fast is important. Get them inside and into a cool, well-ventilated room as soon as possible. But wait, don’t submerge them in cold water! This can actually send them into shock.
Instead, try placing a cool pack on their ears. Offer them plenty of fresh, cool water, and let them rest. If you don’t see any improvement within a short time, it’s best to take them to your local vet immediately.
Remember, prevention is always better than cure! Don’t forget to keep a close eye on your bunny’s behavior. Here I share 6 tips for rabbits care in summer.
Rabbit’s Hutch in the shade
Ensuring your bunnies are comfortable and safe in their living space is important. Remember to avoid exposing their living area to direct sunlight as much as possible, especially if you have a metal pen. These pens can get hot and stay hot all day, which can be uncomfortable or even harmful to your rabbits.
Try to put your rabbit cubby in a shaded area of your yard, ideally under a tree or large bush. This will let some light shine while keeping your bunnies protected from intense heat. If you can’t move your rabbit’s hutch, consider setting up a large sun umbrella nearby to help diffuse the sun’s rays.
The same goes for your rabbit’s play area, which is usually made of wire mesh and exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays. You can protect your bunnies from overheating by using a lightweight cover that provides good airflow and shade.
Trim a Bunny
If you have a long-haired bunny, you might even consider giving them a short summer haircut to keep them from getting too hot. This will help reduce their body temperature and keep them comfortable even on hot days.
Just be sure to use the right grooming tools, like a good pair of scissors or clippers, and be careful not to cut your bunny’s skin. If you’re uncomfortable doing it yourself, you can always take your bunny to a professional groomer to ensure they get a safe and stylish summer haircut.
Ice Box for Bunny
Here’s a cool idea for keeping your bunnies comfortable during the hot summer months: fill up some 2-liter soda bottles with water and freeze them! Once the bottles are frozen, you can give them to your bunnies to lean against and help keep cool. It’s a great way to provide some relief from the heat, and your bunnies will appreciate having something cold to snuggle up to.
To keep the bottles coming, having a few on hand and rotating them in and out of the freezer is a good idea. That way, you’ll always have a frozen bottle ready when your bunnies need it.
But it’s not easy; make sure to supervise your bunnies while they’re snuggling up to the frozen bottles, and remove them if they start to show signs of damage. With this simple trick, you can help your bunnies beat the heat and stay comfortable all summer.
Ceramic Tiles for Rabbits
Another way to help keep your rabbits cool is by putting ceramic or slate tiles inside their living area. These materials are naturally cool, and your bunnies will love lying on top of them to help regulate their body temperature. Adding a tunnel or hideout inside the living area can also provide an extra layer of shade and comfort for your furry friends.
Fresh Food for Bunny
Here’s a tasty tip for keeping your bunnies cool and hydrated during hot weather: provide them with plenty of fresh greens! Greens like lettuce, kale, and spinach are not only delicious for bunnies but also high in water content. This means they can help keep your bunnies hydrated while providing a tasty snack.
Try washing the greens in cool water before giving them to your bunnies to make them even more appealing. This not only helps your bunnies get extra water, but it also makes the greens more refreshing and delicious on hot days. And remember to offer a variety of greens to keep your bunnies interested and ensure they’re getting a well-balanced diet.
Fresh Water
It’s really important to make sure they have plenty of water. You should make sure to refill their water bowls or bottles regularly throughout the day to keep the water fresh. It’s a good idea to provide both water bowls and bottles so your bunny has options for drinking. And here’s a fun fact: you might notice that your bunny even likes to lay down in the water dishes to cool off on really hot days!
You can add some ice cubes to their water bowl to give your bunny some extra relief from the heat. You can also offer your bunny fresh vegetables, which are high in water content and can help keep them hydrated while giving them something yummy to munch on during those long, hot days.
Air Circulation
A simple fan can be a great way for indoor rabbits to keep the air moving and prevent overheating. Just be sure not to place the fan directly on your bunny, as this can be uncomfortable for them. Instead, position the fan near the cage, so the air circulates throughout the room.
If you have outdoor rabbits, you might think keeping them cool is more difficult. But don’t worry because you can create a DIY air conditioner using an inexpensive foam cooler, a small fan, PVC pipe, and duct tape.
To make the homemade air conditioner, cut a hole in the cooler’s top that’s slightly smaller than the fan. Then, secure the fan to the lid to blow directly into the cooler. Cut a hole for the pipe on the other side of the lid, where the cold air will come out.
Fill the cooler with ice or ice packs, and turn on the fan. As the air from the fan circulates through the cooler, it will become chilled, and the cold air will come out through the pipe.
This homemade air conditioner is perfect for keeping outdoor rabbits cool on hot days. Just be sure to hide the cord, so they don’t chew on it! By providing a little extra cooling power, you can help your bunnies stay comfortable and happy all summer long out.
Don’t Play Much
When the weather is hot, limiting your playtime with your bunnies is best. This is because playing can be a form of exercise, and if your bunnies get too active in the heat, they can easily overheat and become dehydrated.
Instead, focus on providing your bunnies with a cool and comfortable environment. Ensure they have access to plenty of water, fresh greens, and a shady resting place. You can also use some of the tips we’ve shared, like setting up a fan or air conditioner, providing frozen water bottles, and giving them a summer haircut.
Of course, you can still spend time with your bunnies, but just be sure to do it during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or evening, when the sun isn’t as intense. This way, you can still enjoy each other’s company without putting your bunnies at risk of overheating.
Keep Flies at Bay
Don’t you hate how those pesky flies ruin our summer vibes? It’s not just us humans that suffer; even our furry friends like bunnies have to put up with those annoying insects too.
Believe it or not, flies can actually harm your bunny by laying eggs on them. That’s why keeping those bugs far away from your bunny’s living space is super important. The key here is to keep things clean and tidy.
Regularly cleaning your bunny’s bedding and litter can help prevent those critters from getting comfortable. If you do happen to spot a fly buzzing around your bunny’s abode, try hanging some flypaper nearby (make sure it’s out of your bunny’s reach).
Keep your rabbits cool and new this summer, and avoid turning them into hot cross rabbits. Okay, I’m done for now; tell me if you have any queries on this topic. I’m always here to help if you are interested in adopting turtles; one of our authors, Sam, wrote an article on How To Care For Your Baby Turtle. To learn the essential steps for providing your pet turtle with proper care and creating a healthy, happy environment. Leave a comment there and show some love.