8 Best Small Pet Birds

8 Best Small Pet Birds

Small birds make great pets, especially for those who may not have the space or resources for larger pets. Small pet birds can be playful, entertaining, and easy to care for, making them popular with many pet owners. However, not all small birds are created equal. Some may require more attention or care, while others may have a personality that doesn’t fit your lifestyle.

My name is Danial, and today In this article, we’ll take a look at eight of the best small pet birds to help you decide which one may be the perfect fit for you. Don’t worry; in the end, we will cover basic FAQs on the same topic.


Pigeons are often seen as pests, but they can make great pets for those who appreciate their beauty and intelligence. They are social birds and thrive in pairs or small flocks. Pigeons can be trained to do tricks and are known for their homing abilities.

They are also relatively easy to care for and require minimal grooming. Pigeons are delicate birds that appreciate cooperating with their guardians but on the other hand, are content to go through a large part of the day engaging themselves.

Since they’re just medium-sized birds, tidying up after them is genuinely simple. Ensure they’re taken care of in a solid eating routine.


Finches are small, colorful birds that come in a variety of species. They are popular pets because of their sweet, melodic songs and active, playful nature. Finches are social birds and should be kept in pairs or small flocks. They require minimal grooming and are relatively easy to care for.

Truth be told, most finches would prefer to associate with other finches than people. So, anyone who has sufficient time to take care of water, feed, and weekly cage cleaning, Finches are the best pet birds for them.

Canary Bird

Canaries make wonderful small pet birds due to their beautiful songs and lovely colors. They’re also easy to take care of! Canaries are social creatures and thrive when kept in pairs or small groups. To ensure their health, it’s important to provide them with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Canaries belong to the finch family and are a great choice for those who prefer a more hands-off pet. But remember they still require a few key things to stay healthy and happy. A nutritious diet and a spacious cage for them to fly around in are essential. Adding some toys will also help keep them active and engaged.


Budgerigars, also known as “budgies,” are popular pet parakeets because of their friendly and playful personalities. They’re easy to care for and won’t break the bank compared to other pet birds. Budgies are social creatures and enjoy being kept in pairs or small groups.

To keep them healthy, it’s important to provide them with a varied diet and plenty of opportunities for exercise. Like many parrots, budgies form strong bonds with their caretakers and enjoy the attention. However, they’re generally easier to keep entertained than larger parrot species.

As long as they’re in a spacious cage with lots of toys, budgies can thrive even if their caretaker can only interact with them for a few hours daily. And the best part? These birds don’t create a lot of mess, especially when compared to larger parrots.

Cockatiel Bird

Cockatiels are small parrots that are well-known for their friendly and affectionate personalities. They make great pets because of their playful nature and ability to mimic sounds. Cockatiels are social birds and thrive when kept in pairs or small groups.

To keep them healthy, it’s important to provide them with regular grooming and a varied diet. Like budgies, cockatiels only require a few hours of out-of-cage playtime daily. However, they’re much less demanding than larger parrot species.

With an open enclosure filled with toys, cockatiels can keep themselves entertained for hours. Although they don’t typically talk, cockatiels are highly intelligent and can be trained to follow commands and whistle tunes.


Lovebirds are small parrots with beautiful and colorful feathers, and they’re well-known for their playful and affectionate personalities. These qualities make them popular small pet birds with a special talent for bonding closely with their owners. Lovebirds are social birds and should be kept in pairs or small groups.

To stay healthy, they require regular grooming and a varied diet. Lovebirds have all the charm of larger parrots but come in a smaller, easier-to-care-for package. While it’s true that they do best in pairs, single lovebirds can still thrive with a few hours of interaction with their caretakers each day.

To keep them entertained, it’s important to provide them with an open enclosure filled with plenty of toys, particularly items that are safe for them to chew on.

Pionus Parrot

Pionus parrots are small to medium-sized birds known for their calm and quiet personalities. They make great pets due to their gentle nature and their ability to learn how to talk. Pionus parrots are social birds and should be kept in pairs or small groups.

To stay healthy, they require regular grooming and a varied diet. One of the things that set Pionus parrots apart is their easy-going temperament. They are happy to be around their caretakers and content to entertain themselves with toys.

This makes them a great choice for pet owners who may need to be away from home for a few hours. However, they still need at least three hours of out-of-cage exercise daily to keep them healthy and happy.

Lineolated Parakeet

Lineolated parakeets, or “Love of Linnies” for short, are a great choice for bird lovers who want a quiet, easy-to-care-for pet. These small parakeets are known for their playful personalities and ability to mimic sounds. They are social birds and should be kept in pairs or small flocks.

To keep them healthy and happy, ensure they have a varied diet and exercise regularly. One of the great things about Love of Linnies is that they are very calm and easy-going, making them a perfect choice for families with children.

They are also quite content to entertain themselves with toys, but they still need a few hours of daily interaction with their guardians to stay happy. Plus, as small birds, they don’t require a lot of space or create a lot of mess, making them a great option for people with limited living space.

Small pet birds can make great companions for those who want a feathered friend that requires less space and upkeep than larger birds. There are many options available, including pigeons, finches, canaries, budgerigars, cockatiels, lovebirds, Pionus parrots, and lineolate parakeets.

When choosing a small pet bird, consider factors such as the bird’s personality, diet, exercise, and socialization requirements. With proper care and attention, small pet birds can be a wonderful addition to any household.

FAQs On Small Pet Birds

The easiest small pet birds to care for would be the finches, which require minimal grooming and are relatively easy to care for. They are also social birds and should be kept in pairs or small flocks.

Many small pet birds, such as finches, canaries, and lovebirds, thrive when kept in pairs or small groups. This is because they are social creatures and require companionship.

Yes, some small pet birds, such as pigeons, cockatiels, and lovebirds, can be trained to do tricks. Budgies, in particular, are known for their friendly and playful personalities and can form strong bonds with their caretakers.

For those with limited space or resources, a small pet bird such as a canary or a budgerigar (budgie) may be the best choice. They don’t require a lot of space and are relatively easy to care for.

To keep small pet birds entertained, it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys, particularly items that are safe for them to chew on. It’s also important to give them opportunities for exercise, such as time outside their cage or a play area within their cage.

The calmest pet bird is generally considered the canary or the budgie.

A cuddle bird is a bird that enjoys snuggling and physical affection from its owner, such as a cockatiel or a conure.

The coolest pet bird is subjective and can vary based on personal preferences, but some popular choices include macaws, cockatoos, and African Grey parrots.

The most playful pet bird is subjective, but some high-energy and playful birds include parakeets, lovebirds, and caiques.

I try to cover the eight best small pet birds for you and all the FAQs I found on Google and my social media, but if I didn’t cover you once, just hit me in the comment. Believe me; you will fall in love if you choose anyone on the above list. If you want to learn more about Pets, get in touch with Pet Doubts

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